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Vocation or Profession?

Vocation or Profession?

Potential good is anything that helps you find freedom. Actualized goodness is outside the prison, in timelessness, in a state of pure, disinterested consciousness.

(Aldous Huxley)

How do I know if what I’m doing is my business? What is the meaning of my life’s journey?

These are the questions many people are asking today.

At TAIS we have defined the basic criteria of Ethics in any business, and we share them with all those who are interested in such a topical question.

The Price and Value of My Business :

The product or service I create is not only paid financially, according to the value it represents, but it is also worthy of sincere gratitude from the one who acquires it.


Element of Creativity :

In doing my own work, I am greatly inspired and joyful. I am free (free) to create what I want and what I like.


A sense of self-worth :

It is not created by external trappings, whether it be a cool office, or expensive, fashionable brand clothes. They cannot fill a person with confidence. A sense of self-esteem fills any of my clothes and work environments with the greatest sign of Quality. Those who think superficially,

notice only the outward appearance, but do not go into the essence. This is a great flaw that leads to all sorts of failures.




One can go on with the list of criteria and ask oneself questions by tidying up the way one thinks. Ultimately, they can lead to true abundance. Only these criteria everyone finds for himself, answering his own questions. Truth is for everyone, and we are looking for it on our own.



Providing truthful and accurate information about your product/service, so that it can not be interpreted ambiguously. Also, the information must be complete, exhaustive.


Attention to pricing.

Tangibles need to be accounted for. Nevertheless, the reasoning part must be in balance with the heart center. if our reasoning part counts money and seeks only profit, and in that moment forgets the voice of the heart, that money is without grace. The voice of the heart says:

Using money, think of the Good for everyone, including plant life, animal life. This is what eco-business is all about. By expanding production by cutting down the forest and making a profit, the businessman will not receive the Good.


Humanity of relationships :

Regarding the differences, it can be anything: age, education, health, etc., people can have two different approaches. Consider different nationalities, cultures, traditions. One is when a foreigner arrives in a new place, open to everything new, inquisitive, ready to learn, to know. This is a wonderful position, and such a person always wins, and from interaction with him (her) all others feel pleasant and warm, such a person leaves the best impressions about himself, he positively influences others, generously sharing his knowledge, if asked, from his internal richness others also win, expanding their worldview.

What is the other approach?

It is this: A person who possesses certain or many good qualities, for example, such as intelligence,

various skills and abilities, talents, in one situation or another tries to impose their own on others, considering their skills and abilities, or their culture and tradition to be better,

and that it is worth imposing on these people, and it doesn’t matter that they are not interested, unnecessary, or maybe even harmful. No, he believes that if it’s good for him, it’s good for others, too. It happens even through conflict. One country thinks it can take over another, and impose its own there.

What kind of mind, what kind of outlook, what kind of attitude, what kind of position is closer to you? What is closer to you: mercy, curiosity, desire or ability to accept the other, whether it is thinking/mentality, way of life, or desire to impose your own, even through conflict?

If you ask yourself the question: what is my relationship with my employees, partners, competitors, management, clients, and even my neighbors – do I empathize with them, show a genuine interest in them, in what pleases and disturbs them,

By honestly answering yourself to this question, you will literally find that harmony in your relationships with the people around you that will lead you to Prosperity.


Attitude toward radical change.

Is there a fear of change and criticism? You avoid change, are afraid of it, and hold on to the old one at all costs, even if it has outlived itself, but you are comfortable staying there, you don’t need to make any effort mentally or emotionally.

You can go on and on, but what will be the result, and will you be satisfied with it?

There comes a moment in any business when you have to admit that circumstances have changed and you need to change, change your views, your attitude, and a lot of other things, and if you’re ready for a challenge, ready to act, the reward

It will definitely happen: it will come in the form of progress, both in your personality and professionalism, and in your business, and everyone who interacts with you. A person who moves forward is a person who is open to new things, and receptive to the reality around him.

Generosity :

A good question to ask yourself here is, “If someone asks for help, do I think long and hard about whether or not to help?”

Do you tend to shut out unsuccessful friends or acquaintances? Do you believe that everyone is to blame for their own failures and must work it out for themselves?

Maybe you, on the contrary, are very responsive and helping others is natural and habitual for you.



Do we realize that we are responsible for everything that happens in our lives, for our loved ones, for what happens in nature, and in the world in general? We are not directly and completely responsible for everything that happens in the world, but our small, and perhaps not insignificant, contribution is present.

My world is me and everything around me, everything I see, whom I see, all situations, everything I interact with, also everything that is at a distance, but related to me in one way or another. For all of the above, I am directly responsible, to one degree or another, at least on the level of thought. What I hear on TV, what’s happening on the other side of the world, doesn’t directly concern me, but if I hear about it, then it exists in my world, and it’s relevant to me.


Relation to tradition.


” Collecting shards of fossilized evil can be no more than an ersatz substitute for the direct experience of eternity. “

Aldous Huxley

Do I only see my ancestors’ accomplishments as a lack of progress, the poor quality of their products, the enormous labor costs? Maybe I wonder how I can apply their skills to my own business?




Do I read books? What books do I read? Do I realize the value of the writings of great writers, philosophers, poets whose works have been bringing wisdom to people for centuries, and do I take advantage of this great boon – the opportunity to study them?


My most valuable resource ….Time. How do I use it?

Do you often notice that you are in a rush, a hustle, a hassle? Do you feel stressed at times?

Maybe you don’t know how to “kill time”, are you bored all the time, or are you bored with your routine? Do you have a correct approach to time?

To talk about a lack of time is taking time away from you and your opponent.

You can’t say things like “kill time.”

You’ll start treating time fairly without being sly or manipulative, and you’ll get everything done in a timely fashion.


Treat the Weather.

Nature has no bad weather.

Have you heard these lines?

How do you feel about, for instance, rain that comes down often? Do you worry that your new, expensive shoes will swell and lose their glamour, or do you think of the trees and plants for which moisture is invigorating?


Is my food healthy?

Do I understand the importance of “living” food in my daily diet rather than synthesizing chemical elements? It is the living seed of rice, the living green of fresh fennel, a spoonful of honey, the alchemy of which only bees know, turning the most bitter substance into the sweetest, milk from cows, goats or camels…. that carry in each of their cells the essence of life. And chemical synthesis, no matter how full of vitamins and trace elements, by feeding solely on it, we do not bring life to our cells.


Me and Nature.

How harmonious (harmonious) am I in my relationship with Mother Nature?



Asking these and similar questions to myself (myself), answering them, already this causes a desire to change, and the way from everyone’s beliefs to a common worldview begins.

Everyone’s path is their own, unique, given that everyone has their own truth, their own peculiarities, their own life circumstances.