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Backed up

What manifests in our real world first becomes valid within our consciousness.

Today’s World is full of information, when every member of society “just have to” insure themselves. A house in case of fire, theft, flood, locust attack… Himself to be treated in case of all the diseases listed in the medical encyclopedia and fractures of all bones… Before vacation we insure ourselves against a tick bite, against the collapse of stocks on the stock market, against kidnapping in the resort area, where we are going to vacation. And then, relaxing in a lounge chair, we think of new risks … As a result, we are filled with fears, as we are warned about the possibility of death in an accident, and the possibility of being late for work because of traffic congestion.

Thanks to modern technology, we prepare ourselves in advance for possible rain or snowfall. Previously, getting into a heavy spring rain, people the next day, forgetting about the fact that soaked the day before, again with joy went out of the house.

Fear of instability: Is the chosen profession in demand for training? Are there many competitors in the market? This husband is too romantic and constantly failing – he is only “trying out” himself, I will choose a husband with a stable annual income (a man falling down and getting up again in the surf is not a weakness…) This man is naive – I will not take the job. How many people – romantics and enthusiasts – become outcasts because they are feared. Can you imagine, there are official organizations to support young mothers who have not received a profession and education. These sixteen- and even twenty-year-old mothers are helped by experienced educators, sharing their best intentions with their children, and, not excluding the impossibility of marriage. All because, society has become overgrown with frightening information that a young mother without a profession, will not make her little one happy… And with a father, rather, one must wait at all, for there must be reasonable motives for marriage…

The same story in terms of noise in the house. Now information about how to secure your environment with noise protection. Or rather, not even noise, but the healthy hum of inhabiting the family unit. And the noise of the humming city transport is not counted. For some reason, the vector of the information presented has shifted from the present danger of depression from the hum of the city to the danger of the healthy hum of the family. The family has always been a person’s best defense since childhood.

Everyone lived their program, and everyone was in sync with the reality around them from an early age: Someone was fixing the porch; Mom or Grandma had to cook in the kitchen. Grandpa was listening to the radio at full volume… A small child, even when he had to sleep, would move for a family member to the part of the house where adult activity was going on. He was getting used to sleeping in the conditions in which he was to live in the future. And the adult simultaneously trained his concentration on his own business and on the baby, so that he could cover him in case of a breeze, rock him in case of a restless sleep, move him to the shade if the sun rays could burn his tender skin. That is there was a constant mutual contact. Developed synchronicity in the family. And how is it now? The sterile silence of his own room, plus an artificial blackout. The child grows up in an environment of “total security. And if any extraneous noise – it strains and irritates the adult.

And not only natural phenomena, played out elements, which for centuries have been raging on the Planet (only they were not repeated in the media) “jammed”, causing fear) and noise, but the same viruses that are now on the radar. Going out to the market with parents or grandparents was the norm for the previous generation. Not surprisingly, they returned from the unclean market rows with a strange skin irritation, incomprehensible fever, a rash on the lips… Of course, our ancestors paid attention to all this, but they did not pay any attention to it.

And everything healed on the children in three days. There was even a saying: “A cured runny nose heals in a week, but an untreated one in seven days. Some parents used to say, “cleverly,” in such cases: “immunity buildup.” Here the “very smart” began to look how to “insure” and not get infected. That’s how “super-sanitary sterile zones” appeared for trade with artificial vegetation with regular baiting of flies and mosquitoes. Laser-recorded sounds of birds and falling water. How harmful or useful the artificial sounds of nature are compared to the true sounds – are not reported And one remains deluded, not having full information, filed with real good wishes.

What is going on in terms of the synchronous way of life of man and Nature is impossible to describe. So let us leave it to everyone’s imagination to complete the picture from their own experience.

The modern generation makes full use of the knowledge that it is forbidden to eat berries in an abandoned garden. Picked from an “unknown tree” cherries – it’s one hundred percent diarrhea. Berries only from the supermarket.

People have stopped picking mushrooms and forest berries in European forests thanks to protective advertisements: “there may be (what percentage are not reported) fox feces on the picked, and fox feces sometimes have dangerous parasites in them (also the percentage are not reported).” Instead of announcing that you have to heat treat the berries for a couple of decades, the scaremongering has been going on…

Only this is overkill!

People obey the laws of nature, even when acting against them.

With what intent should information be presented?

The frightening information coming from media sources (including announcements on any bright glade in the woods) has gradually increased to the point where any protective actions do not protect us, but rather fill us with fear.

We were bequeathed to live in harmony with Nature. We humans have been given the ability to understand and respect living beings, the phenomena of nature; and, to use for good each of the elements, to coexist with the elements. Does the frightening way of presenting information allow us to find balance?

When everything is in moderation:

We have our own body response developed in repeated life training to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

The sterile emptiness around us that forms a frightening vacuum of loneliness in the face of danger will disappear.

The sterility into which we have brought modern urbanized space does not motivate the human body to work. Our bodies do not train their defenses, do not produce antibodies against a multitude of viruses… We look for our own excuses for the lack of immunity.

It’s the same with wildlife. Our ancestors respected and understood the interconnectedness of everyone in a common microcosm. Of course, danger has always existed and exists. Only it should be treated judiciously. It is necessary to know full information about our neighbors of flora and fauna. And not only to know, but also to love.

Using the mass media to preliminarily report on the phenomena of nature or the danger of this or that living creature, somewhere we have crossed the boundaries of reasonableness of this very information. In order to get rid of unnecessary fears, it is necessary to take a more responsible approach to the analysis of the information we receive. Pay attention to how unselfishly it is presented, whether the person who ordered the information article or video is not manipulating us for his personal purposes, how well the person who provides the information knows the material, how well the article or video reveals different sides of the information being presented. A series of repeatedly copied information from the site creates fear – so it is better to know the original source.

We can give and receive information with the intention of harmonizing and unifying all life on the planet. This will make everyone feel much better and happier.

The human being is a movement, because he moves, lives, acts, reflects a succession of impressions. Every movement is a visible striving for a lack of balance. And where one moves, everything interacts. Interaction can be both energizing and destructive.

Nature around us is fabulous and fragile. ” If every man on a piece of his earth did his best, how beautiful our earth would be. ” wrote Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

People are simply unable not to pay attention to the living. Only attention not with fear, but with good wishes: to be in contact with Nature, with all its manifestations, as often and as useful as possible. Why not take care to find ourselves more fully informed about the living beings around us than to be exposed only to one-sided information? The study and observation of nature once gave birth to science. We are inextricably linked to our environment with our entire Planet and all Life on it. It is necessary to take care of nature in order to enjoy its beauty. Nature is the source of beauty from which everyone draws according to his or her understanding.

Our ancestors respected and understood the interconnectedness of everyone in a common microcosm. Of course, danger has always existed and exists. But it must be dealt with judiciously.

Not the urge to immediately protect our living space from our smaller brothers, killing them, taking over the common territory to live in. Gradually, we remain more and more isolated from our Mother Earth, covered under layers of asphalt and concrete. Not even interested in finding out how damaging this very asphalt is. Understanding that we are all-powerful is what we should strive for. We can create an environment in which we are comfortable for everyone.

Not the blinding irritation of judgment, and the understanding that the neighbor just now need to hang a picture on the wall, and the young neighbor learns chords on the piano and falsify will stop only if we will grimly compliment her efforts to learn musical scales. What a pride our hearts will be filled with when our cute little neighbor is a winner of international music competitions …

Our ancestors had fears, too. Now we realize that people on the other side of the earth are just as smiling, just as loving of their children, just as suffering. So we may not conquer them, but simply go to visit and learn their customs; ask people from another country to teach us those crafts or creative styles that we like…

By acting with good wishes, receiving and transmitting information with good intentions – we all become much more powerful.

” They were magicians because they knew so much, so much, that their quantity finally turned into quality, and they became in a different relationship with the world than ordinary people. They worked in an institute that dealt primarily with the problems of human happiness and the meaning of human life, but even among them no one knew exactly what happiness was and what exactly the meaning of life was. And they accepted the working hypothesis that happiness is in the continuous knowledge of the unknown and the meaning of life in the same. Everyone is a magician at heart, but he becomes a magician only when he starts to think less about himself and more about others, when it becomes more interesting to work than to have fun in the old sense of the word. And perhaps their working hypothesis was not far from the truth, because just as labor turned a monkey into a man, in the same way the absence of labor turns a man into a monkey in a much shorter time.” The Strugatsky Brothers

We suggest that we treat the information we receive or pass on judiciously:


” The action of even the tiniest creature brings about changes in the entire universe. ” Nikola Tesla