Author: Dani

HomeArticles posted by Dani

LOGIC is a flexible THREAD. It is worth changing one of the constituent quantities - the result of any logical reasoning turns out to be completely different or even opposite. That logic leads to different results is very easy to prove. The earth was considered

The word business is not a Russian word. In ancient texts, those who were engaged in establishing mutually beneficial relations between producers were called traders, and the producers themselves were called artisans and peasants. An important component of the seller's character was a sense of trust

At 80% we indulge our character, choosing the easy way. The path of inertia and resistance, reducing the set of means to the goal and the cost of them. Filled with frightening thoughts of investing to move the enterprise and lifestyle to a new "eco-format,"

Integral Fitness is a certified exercise program designed to develop physical, intuitive, creative and intellectual abilities. What are IF classes for: -to optimize the balance of motor, intellectual and intuitive activity To activate full-fledged work of the body, thinking, intuition, creativity -to coordinate logical and intuitive thinking -in order to

What manifests in our real world first becomes valid within our consciousness. Today's World is full of information, when every member of society "just have to" insure themselves. A house in case of fire, theft, flood, locust attack

THAÏSSE business model by " Canvas "   Executed : for potential partners   Completed by : Gabbasov Kasi Shaush Mariana Maratovna   Start date of filling : 10.04.2019 Completion date : April 23, 2019 VERSION N° 1.   KEY VALUES   - WHAT CUSTOMER PROBLEMS ARE WE SOLVING? - WHAT IS THE VALUE IN OUR OFFER? - WHAT