Memo to the educational program
Fashion is always a reflection of an era. Only let’s admit that sometimes silly fashion is worth forgetting about. Fashion which can be seen only in elite living rooms is not fashion, but a masquerade ball.
Coco Chanel
What appeases the wrath of G-d in this world and in that world?
To give sadaqa in secret (to do charity without showing it off).
Reconcile people who have quarreled (in the cities, it is “fashionable” to live gossiping about each other in conflict …).
Prophet Mohammed
The Cities were created… ” And there were markets and Temples in it. And Jesus went into the Temple of God, and drove out all those who sold and bought in the Temple … and said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves. ”
There are 2 contrasting systems (other than political and religious) in today’s World for 100 years with a regular “heat of passion”. These two poles, the Progressive Technologies and the Environmental Parties, find compromises. It is important that the representatives of both systems sit down at the negotiating table, and diplomatically solve “peacefully” the issues related to each individual Project of economic activity (construction of highways and deforestation along the route, new wells – gas pipelines and protection of marine resources…), for the development of our civilization… Only every year the risk of desolation of so-called “restorable resources” increases: forests, waters, insects, living beings… Is this a peaceful way? In 3 generations of abandonment of villages and large-scale urbanization, people have lost the ability to understand and hear nature. They have grown so far away that we will have to spell out in detail EXACTLY how the destruction of living organisms is done “for the Benevolence of mankind”… The confrontation between “environmentalists” and capitalists can be stopped by mutual goals… Simply making any business profitable and trendy will be the right thing to do.
I Unification of disconnected people ;
II Labor Therapy ;
III Reputation of the enterprise is fashionable ;
IV The modesty of requests and the gradual prosperity of the family ; Is it necessary to be under the constant oppression of risks and credits?
V A close-knit team is the key to success ; Work on the internal credibility indicators ( leave the masks of ostentation in the past);
VI Working to lower the price of the product for the buyer, and not to raise it – it is fashionable;
VII Aiming for quality rather than quantity – it’s fashionable ;
VIII Positive interest in similar productions in other countries ; The fashion for SOLIDARITY instead of competition ;
IX Curiosity about the disposal of waste from their production. The price of this disposal.
X Time for Labor. The price according to the result and its quality. Measures of time clauses in contracts : as a certain part of the work is done, not by the time spent.
XI Attention to any form of Life and to Purity : a survey of what did you do as a child ?interested in what kinds of living things ? want children to be in nature more often ? The impact of wildlife on the body vs. when you go out of town in nature – SEARCHING for cleanliness, catching-memorizing moments of contact with life.
- Intuition (by system of Norbekov, for example). The School of Leaders & Masters for True Diamonds. =>>> The value is not the cornerstone of the structure, but each brick in its place .
- Health. Only an individual consultation ; a totally individual and trustworthy set of exercises. Observation of each in the performance of his personal complex. You can make a video and it will be => Product with a Price <= with a certain fee. Instructing Intimacy in terms of health and not disclosing it is to give a lesson to the person : sometimes be with himself/herself.
- Sport => offer each person the choice of a sport he or she enjoys. To teach them to choose what they like, not what is fashionable or more accessible. Those who train – to encourage.
- What each entrepreneur thinks is right? And here it is necessary to wean them from the prescribed dogmas … To allow everyone to engage in activities that bring pleasure, seeking flexibility and avoiding conflicts and provocations. We have to monitor the fruits of their activities. But not to intervene in changing norms and laws. By itself will happen … (Do not write complaints, appeals, do not support appeals to internal bodies about the economic activities of the entrepreneur … To cherish nature and organize voluntary actions – the opposite tactic, because here it is not about price …).
- For the Soul ;
- For Reflection ;
- For the energetic mood for an effective result;
- For relaxation. To release stress.
- Lessons in nutrition – how difficult it has become to eat a balanced diet (in comparison).
At the Round Table : With the permission of those involved, keep a record.
PERSONAL CONSULTATIONS: Strictly confidential – we teach trust in the partnership. The entrepreneur is a potential client for the TAIS Strategy (even after 10 years) – according to his maturity. The first consultation is a “heart-to-heart talk” free of charge and without time limit.
According to the Book of Changes, there is a concept of movement of absolutely everything according to the cycles of hexagrams. These cycles affect each person separately. Separately for a couple. Separately for a family. Separately for a Kin. Separately for a place on Earth. Separately for the state.Separately for economic activity. Separate for civilization. And at the same time, all the cogs are the mechanism of Mankind’s clock. Each of the hexagrams can be passed in a fraction of a second – panic fear and transition to the next cycle. Or it can last in hexagram for an eternity – comfortably. And everyone has a certain number of Light stages. A certain number of Twilight stages. A certain number of Awakening. And a certain number completely in the Shadow. All at once the qualities, both of man and civilization, cannot be in the Light…
So – this cyclicality to take into account Serving People.
Points on which we will do courses:
– Mind Control. Emphasis at the beginning of the course: Don’t chase what goes away by itself. “The pessimist complains about “winds of change. The optimist hopes for ” a change in the weather. The realist, when they say “his train has left,” transplants to a yacht, sets sails to the wind and sails beyond the horizon… ”
-The quality of relationships (family, friends, partners…)
-Physical well-being (nutrition, conditioning…)
– Emotional : respect for morals and aesthetics as part of the mood. Teaching people to distinguish true beauty from false beauty. Beauty is in everyone inside. The need for true beauty has never increased (instead of artificial beauty) – it is fashionable; the aesthetics of the perception of beauty is the most universal way to spirituality.
– To do good : morality and aesthetics To teach people to distinguish true beauty from false beauty
– To conduct meditations. Make it a habit to work – “it means to go to service with a song inside, to return to the family with a song of joy of what was done” – the ancient Anatolian-Turkish society was obliged to sing.
– To think positively and to be HAPPY;
– To live consciously. Emphasis in the first stages: Mechanical interpretation & action “kills” the inspiration, and at the same time devalues the result.
– Purity of speech (watch your speech). The improvement of dignity through purity in communication – it is fashionable – and the observance of professional ethics – it is fashionable. The way to true nobility is not through outward performance – it is already the way to develop one’s business.
– Learn to accept.
Know how to forgive. Prayer KHATUM : ” …Send your great grace upon us. Teach us your loving forgiveness. Elevate us above the differences and limitations that divide people. Send us the Peace of your divine Spirit. And unite us all in Your perfect Being…”. The Sufi message of the freedom of the Spirit, was a message of balance
a balance between the inner life and the duties of our outer life, a balance between the intellect and the heart, between strength and wisdom, between activity and rest.
– Taking away the hustle and bustle
– Tranquility, a step toward changing one’s life for the better
Interrelation of nature and man ; Through the food chain at the stage of increased yet animal egoism – at the beginning it is necessary to strike a nerve…
– Learn harmony (don’t look for harmony from outside, it always comes only from inside…) Take into account the disruption of the bio-field structure of potential clients. To analyze the relation of each client to his or her behavior, current ethics, health, specific perception, openness to learning, what’s eating him or her (one by one)? To make a characteristic.
-Goodness (the heart of a grateful man will surely make him great…) . Material about the change of magnetic poles and the resonance of the planet with numbers in Hz .
-Determine the purpose, cause and effect relationship …
– Compassion ( understand the problem of the potential customer, the target audience and find a better solution….. )
– Adaptation to the changing world . Eco-relationship ( everyone wants to be happy and not to suffer, if we act from this understanding, avoid harming others, we get respect and trust, mutual understanding in the company …)
-Praise your life ( this is a deep spiritual practice)
– What it means to be rich:
To honor your parents, the older generation. Here, we should start with the valuable things that have been created by previous generations. In our age – they talk about progress and the lame existence of past centuries… Forgetting that there was a real people’s war against progressives exactly a century ago. The manufactures and factories, often using the dirtiest methods (frauds, artificial drought, “provocateur greevists”…) were buying for next to nothing… together with the bankers, were driving entire communities from the lands they had cultivated. Where gardens had blossomed, passed down from generation to generation, were now barren wastelands! To tell of dynasties who sold wood for the rafters of a temple under construction and immediately planted a new one, so that the temple could be renovated 300 years later. The old people planted olive groves and their grandchildren took the harvest. They built houses with the expectation of adding to the family and a sunny corner for themselves in their old age… Bringing back to life the forgotten legends of the craft – this theme should awaken in the mind of the entrepreneur…
Give more than you take
Avoid debts Separately on the negative with banks and loans, gather material for the next step determining pricing
Striving to earn in grace… Killing Love in its most various manifestations => this is the most severe of everyday life and economic bioenergetical disturbances .
Help unselfishly ;
Communicate with rich people – do not envy their success, but work hard ;
Make proper use of material goods, remember spirituality, spiritual development, self-improvement …
To create a dynasty, involving the younger members of the family (nephews, adopted children and sons-in-law, including sons-in-law), explaining about the strength of blood ties even far away ; about the harm of jealousy in family business – mutual assistance and blood ties are better than a hired worker, who in a moment of crisis will leave to his micro-collective. In general, uniting as many people as possible even (with differences in education, views and amount of money) a common goal and everyone in his place without utopia.
– More lessons touching upon the recycling of waste To give entrepreneurs knowledge about recycling The number and volume of dumps in the city in the countries The rate of growth The time it takes to decompose one or another element used in modern production In the sea in the soil in the air How long it takes a person not to wear a spacesuit – figuratively How different the vegetation in the bed and in the soil How much plastic from greenhouses is in the soil and warns that we eat plastic and that microorganisms are eating it up
– Going out into nature is fashionable, instead of corporate parties. Nature has an exceptional healing ability to absorb people.
Homework : study the case(s) that I like in practice in other countries and analyze in detail.
All the other questionnaires , the study material that we will give to the trainees (offline or online)
Study of the advertising of a product: how much does it add to the price vs. the value of the product? Honest advertising is the way to success!!! Nowadays, people are used to being spiced up by advertising; this habit won’t go away all at once … But there is a need for a genuine product with a value, not a price.
– Creating an amateur film studio ; reviewing one’s own filmed videos as the person changes. Fixing deadlines for changes, work done on the trainee. Creating mini-movies about the transformation of an entrepreneur into an eco-entrepreneur.
Setting up our own courier delivery service for the TAIS company we are creating, based on the selection of drivers who know the area. To find out through them where there are recycling centers for plastic, fuel oil…, collection of non-ferrous metals… In the future: the creation of a postal and logistics company.
– Those who, as the course progresses, need legal advice for a new business strategy and a business project, we send to the international law firm TIMOFEW&FARENWALD & Partners. Alexander Timofeev is already fully inside the project : changing any field of activity to environmentally friendly activities ; his staff will start working on business projects given the Eco concept TAISSE .
On any documentation is a logo. We do not communicate information about what we do in the club. About the company TAISSE – we say only that it is international, environmental and registered in Paris. In Moscow for the first time. Not engaged in investments. Everything is honest and to the minimum. Interest in the first instance.
We are all fragments like puzzle-bricks of one Whole mirror.
Putting the bricks that properly reflect light in a certain place in their place-notches is the intention ….
With Time ===>>>> other measures….