Steam and Invention
Are the energies of Harmony and Equilibrium attainable in constancy?
Every one of us has had the chance to watch a gorgeous bird soar through the air, frozen for some time over a single point with its wings spread wide, its neck stretched proudly, and its tail puffed up with the power drawn from the atmosphere. It is a moment of ecstasy and in the instinctive control of absorbing the energies of the wind…
The attraction of the Earth is as if it had no effect…
What does the bird feel at this moment? What would we, carried by the wind, feel? A rush of power? An exhilaration?
Why is this moment of play of the Forces of the outer elements not constant?
The movement below and the sudden rush of the bird’s hull downward-the hunter’s instinct and the base need for hunger-is what most often distracts from the Freedom of Soaring.
There are other distracting parameters, which we will name, and will not consider in this article:
Sometimes, though, the wind, changing directions, seems to invite you to play and find a new footing in the balance of soaring.
And sometimes the sun, flashing a ray, calls the proud bird to rise even higher – to test its power…
All elements are phenomena of mighty nature participants in an exciting game!
And now we propose to return to inventions. Energy – what an exciting endlessly unfathomable part of Science. For how much about the probable use of energies is just a little on the surface of dreams and hidden by Guardians until Man is ready to use it for the good of all…
Let’s look back at the experience of predecessor scientists who made discoveries in the field of energy without going into the maze of scientific terminology.
While the discovery was only being made scientists were overwhelmed with feelings: doubts mixed with a belief in the validity of the idea; waves of immense creative enthusiasm and rejection of the rock of ignorance; inspiration from the Creator and the conventional dogma of the time… And the same feeling of soaring in the heights of knowledge; the excitement of accomplishment; the might of finding the right element to control the elements…
And so it happened! Rays of Glory – another discovery is accepted by the World, even if the inventor a few years earlier had been burned, crucified, banished, declared mentally ill….
A new invention finds new forms of becoming useful to man. How do those who present the results of this discovery as products feel?
Of course the introduction is the birth of the new. This is Life at the very beginning at the source…. What’s next? Of course the inspiration to stride with the cutting edge of time. Of course the thrill of the glory of seeing more and more transformation in society through the introduction of a new idea. Are there doubts? Is there rejection by conservatives? Is there a framework of dogma against finding more and more applications of the invention? If there are, there are very few. Quick enrichment and the Glory of success are these base Forces now enslaving the pioneers of the new industry. “The soaring bird of the Soul of Creation” instinctively plunged into the base needs of the hungry hunter and, now turning on its accumulated energies, rushed down…
And all the gravitational force of the earth has dissolved its arms – death… Vanity and Greed are increasingly taking over those who are passionately working for progress. Where are their minds now set, the application of discovery to war! Here is the point of no return… In every chaos of war, death already rules.
Striving to make things better and better doesn’t mean the end will be good. Somewhere and somehow one must stop from sinful impulses, from diving into the abyss….
Having shared with you this little exploration of pioneer feelings, I want a little hint, how can new discoveries of the present and future avoid being used in the name of destruction?
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