LOGIC is a flexible THREAD. It is worth changing one of the constituent quantities – the result of any logical reasoning turns out to be completely different or even opposite. That logic leads to different results is very easy to prove. The earth was considered flat until a certain point. In the last century, it took a different amount of time to circumnavigate the globe than today. So today we are manipulating other speeds than our great-great-grandfathers. Having gained access to microscopes, we see the invisible to the eye through a magnifying glass. In a certain amount of time we approve; we are all made up of cells. Then, the cell consists of a nucleus and … The nucleus also turns out to be divisible. And the smallest quantum particles to date are both wave and material. The invisible becomes known…
Having created a fast food system, mankind rejoiced at this opportunity, and after checking with many years of experience eating from “fast foods”, people are looking for recipes to avoid it. Everything is relative, and in this way, logically reasoning, we can have different results, which, by no means, fit into the statistical ones. A hardened person feels temperature differently, a trained athlete has different indicators of the motor function of the body than an untrained person … New knowledge discovered by science is a new value that changes the course of all logical thinking, if not blows them up. And in the age of progress, these new quantities appear and add “branching and bending” threads of logical reasoning. By adding traditional ancient knowledge to modern analysis, directing generalized plexuses, we are building a completely new more. It is new to seek to balance the latest discoveries of quantum physics to the already conscious experience of creation in harmony with the universe.
This is how we also face the need to train the intuition that everyone has. It is considered legitimately more precise than logic; you just have to learn how to use it. We forgot to come into contact with it during the leap of technology and the need to absorb huge layers of information that is being created in science.
And here’s another one of the accumulated long-term magnitude of faulty logical reasoning that is increasingly showing up in publications. This concerns the influence of the education system on our contemporary. Let us touch upon an example of only one area related to our subject: STRESS RELAXATION. So, the cyclicity of sequential tension-relaxation is observed in the natural manifestation of the body in a small child. The body requires movement – the baby runs, demanded relaxation – the baby came up and gently clung to the parent. Feeding with energy and fixing the experience gained in movement for each muscle, in a child, is replaced by the same warming movement that develops his body. It’s like our natural inhale and exhale.
Getting into school, the child gets used to being immobilized in suspense only of the hands and eyes (for the most part). Previously, the desks of the child’s educational institution did not offer a chair, but only an inclined wooden support for a soft spot. The child could turn his whole body when the Organism demanded a kind of “exhalation” – relaxation from the strain of vision and hands. The child could throw a note or pass a notebook using the whole gamut of the muscles of his body. Sitting on a chair – there is no such mobility that helps to shake up the body instantly. The same is the case with the result of progress with a ballpoint pen. Dipping a pen into the inkwell, the child looked up from writing – a sort of exhalation – relaxation. Now, often for an hour, a responsible student scribbles in tension with a ballpoint pen in order to keep up with the notes for the teacher.
The first-grader’s reflex to listen to his body and relax, running freely during the break and, if there is such a need, tearing his vocal cords with joyful sounds, is broken. A persistent habit of body tension is developed, contrary to the natural needs of the body. The tension-relaxation cycle is broken. Rest when it is “officially permitted” does not give the body rest. Absurd. Not a reasonable approach, now being reviewed, as we see the consequences of its violation everywhere.
Every person inside himself – not always saying it directly – considers himself good. Kindness in us is something that will always intuitively indicate the right path in choosing. But not everyone can show this kindness towards their neighbors. Clumsiness begins the manifestation of love for the baby to his mother, pulling her hair … Knowledge is acquired through the fall from time immemorial of Adam and Eve. But Wisdom is different… We are on the way to Wisdom, thanks to the Mentors. Very often, following his logical reasoning, he falls into a simpleton. Learning to be sincere and to show kindness – it becomes easy when you enter your own rhythm, which will be picked up by the universal flow. You will resound (vibrationally) with your true sound.
Thank you for attention.
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