“Inclusiveness is in fact inclusion… A reciprocal action, the cause of which is universal connectedness. The whole is not defined at all by the sum but by the interaction of the parts. When the perception of the whole appears, it becomes no longer possible to act out of any kind of separateness. “
Nicole and Alexander Gratowski
As young children we were all ” included ” in the holistic World and lived that ” present moment ” that we now seek to learn from the most experienced Gurus. We imagined a dreamlike World and reality adjusted to us, performing Miracle after Miracle, allowing us to radiate into our environment Joy. Reality was modeled in the game and transformed the children’s World into space flights with its Avatar to unknown planets, where beautiful trees tie the roots and pollen of the entire planet into the unity of the diversity of life; the game in an emerald city, or the city of wise mini-trolls with funny mummy-trolls …
At some point the fairy tale was in doubt, as adults did not always see it. Growing up, the child hears more and more: “No it’s not possible,” unicorns do not exist on Earth “.
Not everyone in childhood has the urge to think that, apart from the belief in the fulfillment of dreams, it is worth to connect his or her inner learning. To find out: “on what basis is the world modeled and dreams are realized? What dreams? What do we have to become? ”
We don’t always follow these reflections.
Following such questions, my images led me to another “I don’t know”.
When I ask myself as a mature person: “Why should I blame myself or forgive myself for acting the way I have learned from the example of others in society. No one explained it to me HUMANLY … “. Then comes the feeling that many others, ashamed to say aloud that behind politeness and pseudo-spirituality, we have inside “discomfort pulses”. This figurative sensation is difficult to convey with “template” explanations.
It is possible to specify approximately a direction to the self-analysis: to reveal in what ways, we in the childhood were forgiven not at all polite behavior with surrounding people, but simply gradually corrected-guided by the experienced teacher theories ” with these very templates “. These templates were stamped all but theoretically without experimental confirmation and built into our forming perception of the universe. When we, in some way, encountered a Miracle – templates composed of something “unexperienced” (does it mean not alive?) with indignation shouted to us: “it cannot be, it does not belong to such beautifully constructed logical theory about the Universe. ”
I will interrupt a long chain of reasoning, because it is felt that everyone should have their own. Here everyone, like a path to the hill, should be ready to have its own dialogue with his inner “I”. I will tell to what result my path has led:
While humanity is gaining experience and experimenting with the unknown, from childhood we are “breaking” our childlike capacity for “sincere faith” in wonder and learning to disguise our innate humanity in order to become someone who “survives” in society.
I dare to suggest on this page where my analysis today has led. So far, whether through the senses or the mind, humanity has gone through all kinds of “experiments” to identify all the unexplored parts of the kaleidoscope of the small part of the universe placed at our disposal by the Almighty. At the beginning of mankind’s journey, there was a lack of knowledge of many aspects of what a particular action would produce. Everything is learned by comparison…
In today’s reality, the information field is filled with a variety of contradictory information. In a strange way, but now it has become “more transparent” to see where there is truth and where there is illusion piled up with templates.
As a result, one more assumption can be expressed: an adult becomes “artificially stupid” and reacts to tests that come often, as it should not be done. Not having a sense of cohesion with the Whole – with progress he unreasonably destroys everything around him.
Let me go back to the beginning of my reasoning. No one has explained to anyone Humanly in the dual World – we are gaining knowledge through experience.
For myself it is time to say: “It is better to treat everyone humanly with understanding; everyone’s experience is invaluable, whatever it may be. This experience is necessary for the development of the Soul. One of the qualities to be developed is to talk to each other, to strive for naturalness and humanity; not to criticize the other, but to find out what is good and beautiful from his or her experience. Now we should come to wholeness. ”
Labor brings people together to talk in a human way.
Let’s bring order to the planet!