Business with a Human Face.
On this page we will tell you how we at THAÏSSE propose to find the Inspiration to change ourselves, to change the environment around us. How to enter a state of readiness for a new environment.
And do it on a voluntary free basis. If you find the lesson useful for yourself, have the material resources – payment is welcome. And if you help others in any way, you are welcome, too. If we can give you unselfish advice – we welcome questions and invite dialogue.
Be warned technical training will begin only after you yourself are ready Inspiration awakening in you to creative work in completely new conditions will signal the transition to technical questions. So it’s business as usual! We are not harnessing the cart before the horse.
What will be the signals of Inspiration’s presence :
Looking at the World (not only in 3D), to be filled with feelings of its Beauty, even from the smallest piece of wildlife; to voice your feelings aloud or in any creative “outburst”.
Second: to react – also aloud – to the pain of living beings; to notice, without averting our gaze, the harm we humans do to nature.
Next: the emergence of a strong desire to unite with others in a constructive dialogue about possible changes to reduce the harm caused to the environment by human activities.
Our habits evolved a long time ago to react to anything new from the authorities, which requires additional costs.
The topic of business compliance with new laws and environmental regulations is hanging over our heads like a sword of Damocles.
Usually, we turn on our defenses and strain on one hand. On the other hand, in communication with people we are careless and do not show this tension, but try to look like ecologists, which in fact we would like to be if it were not so expensive: “finally, the government has taken decisive measures to prevent an ecological disaster…” .
Perhaps everyone has his or her own individual inner responses to the ecological agenda and to any change; only in the general collective field there is an energy of tension and ignorance; doubts as to what is the right thing to do?
This basic reaction has entered the information consciousness of virtually all of our society; therefore, we describe what we hear “from all mouths.
In THAÏSSE we propose to change the reaction to incoming information from the authorities or other sources.
Let us explain Reaction is a kind of optical reflection on what is sent to us through various information networks. If, in response, we literally “mirror” this is the reaction that is expected of us. They expect: an increase in budget revenues through the imposition of penalties; new ways of squeezing interest through bank loans for the ecotransformation of industries; and higher taxes on harmful industries which do not meet the new requirements …
As a result, we are acting accordingly: we are looking for a loan, we are looking for technology, in short, for “someone to give money to” now or in instalments. Internally, we are nervous; in the rhythm of an incessant discussion with ourselves “what to do? We are tense; we increase stress; we are afraid of bankruptcy; we are afraid of being cheated “as usual”; we doubt about the remedy we should choose from the many offers; or we plunge into the euphoria of pleasure and forgetfulness, not to think about the impending – somehow we will miss it…
At THAÏSSE we propose to change the reaction. To do this, at first just move away from incoming information.
Move into the Silence from the general information field and stop the rhythm of bustle – immersions in worries.
This is where our consultations begin.
In Silence and with a Human Face.
We begin by talking about you. Let’s get to know you as a Person. What were your dreams as a child? What were your passions? What was your talent for?
In parallel, we do some simple practices: breathing exercises, relaxing facial and body exercises. And everyone is invited to speak out! To release the accumulated tension from the constantly circulating thoughts of the endless stress of the rush and worries.
So the first part of the counseling is to get away from the information and spend some time in distracting memories, or thinking. In dialogue with our counselors and with each other. We release the tension, the movement in a hurry. There is a saying: “When there is too much information, we cannot find the information we need today.
All rhythms of life are subject to a certain sinusoid. Wake up in the morning, then movement, then relaxation and a night’s rest. Or another example: we ate, we digested, we felt hunger again, we cooked, we ate…
The simplest example in our first reflex since birth: Inhale – Exhale.
We forget that what we need is a healthy exhalation, accumulated toxic substances and relaxation of the body without holding this exhalation. When running and rushing, we don’t exhale enough. Trying to forget ourselves by pumping ourselves up with euphoria-enhancing drugs – the next day, we don’t feel rested. We are not naturally relaxed, not at rest.
A small digression.
Previously, before the advent of the ballpoint pen, our ancestors in childhood learned to write by dipping the pen in the inkwell. Today’s child is sometimes busy for all 45 minutes of school time writing in the notebook what he dictates or what the teacher asked. Let’s compare it to the child who TURNED OFF his notebook to regularly reach for the inkwell. He WAS EXCITED!!! The child’s gaze, and then the adult’s, and his brain was diverted from the subject of writing for a fraction of a second. He was concentrating his attention on getting the pen to absorb just the right amount of ink needed to finish a thought, a math example, or a line. Even the blots were not so dangerous for the mental state of mind as non-stop writing in childhood, which developed a reflex to act strenuously, without taking a break until the end of the task. Without taking a break from the reflex to act strenuously at rest, it is natural to relax.
In the example of the ballpoint pen, we see that progress is a means to a better world. Only in everything we need balance. “Do not rush headlong into “all the technical improvements that make our lives easier, but to think about where it is useful and where it can cause irreparable harm. And only after that, choose the solution that will preserve the health of our environment and benefit our development.
Let me repeat: we are not in a “waiting mode” for the first phase of the transition to how to protect ourselves from the next impending crisis. We are REFLECTING from the problem-threat; we are conversing, we are getting to know each other.
In the next phase of our consultation, in the calm that comes with the rhythm of our concerns, let’s look at the beautiful things that surround us. Let us remember our feelings when we were in Nature, when we were admiring the flight of butterflies, when we were enjoying the sounds of the forest, when we were walking barefoot on the ground. We share these feelings with each of us for 5-10 minutes. And the rest of us learn to hear the retelling without being distracted by business texts at that moment, of course. It’s a very important stage. It restores our capacity for human dialogue, restores our sensitivity and our ability to hear.
A digression about the introductions made by Alexander and Nicole Gratowski in observing whales in their natural habitat.
It is helpful to listen to the report :
These creatures – – – live by different laws : they are not interested in the construction of buildings, nor in talking about who ate what at lunch, nor in psychology – i.e. those thoughts that move around in our heads and in the general collective consciousness. Only through our capacity for compassion, as humans, can we confirm to these magnificent animals that we have reason and not predatory instincts. In response, we recognize in the whales highly intelligent beings. After we express our feelings of Love for a huge mammal, instead of fear and aggression, we begin to learn about each other. Trust and openness from us and then goodwill for communication from the whales.
This kind of communication between man and a wild animal has been described in many stories that seem unbelievable to us. It depends on us as humans how we relate to an animal, or even to any phenomenon of nature. It is always better to communicate with any living creature in its natural habitat, not by subjecting it to our will by putting it in a cage.
At the same stage, we freely recall the pain we feel when we notice the human negligence of living beings wounded, forests cut down, the waters of seas and rivers polluted to the limit. This is not an exchange of references to ecological disaster, but a retelling of how we feel The sharpness of our reactions is the goal of the conversations. Will we accept the pain of the living with open eyes, the Heart? Or do we hide behind indifference or turn away bashfully?
In this format of communication we have a different vision of the diseased ecosystem of the Planet, a state of understanding that we are now required to unite all our human spiritual resources to restore it.
Then, once we are more or less in balance in our changed attitude toward ecology, we enter the stage of discussing the mistakes of business decisions and the implementation of progressive technologies that have brought our ecosystem to a critical state.
In the second century, all progressive advances are becoming fairly quickly incorporated into everyday life. In the Age of Enlightenment, numerous scientific advances find their place in improving the human way of life. Science itself is neutral and pure in nature. It is people’s choice how to use a scientific discovery: for everyone’s benefit or for the purpose of using it to dominate others. For example, with the discovery of electricity, mankind gained the ability to illuminate their homes at night and the ability to electrocute cattle. Thus we choose to use any other invention…
Leaving aside the nineteenth and first half of the twentieth centuries, we will focus on our attitude toward every invention of the last 50-70 years. How do we feel about the appearance of any new technology? The rate of increasing priority to use the new from a profitability standpoint? Every year it grows! The desire to live without effort in the home, without unnecessary actions receiving benefits. At the beginning of the Age of Enlightenment, every invention enticed and fascinated human minds. A brief briefing with conservatives, and lo and behold, the invention entered everyday life. The tendency to strengthen the reflex to meet the new technology with admiration, has turned us into a blind tool now leading to a technogenic disaster, pardon my bluntness. Where does the result of labor disappear, pardon my harshness, acquired in the increase of our greed and laziness? The urge to get rich quick and live in more and more convenience and festivity on display – from which part of us comes?
As a result, every year any improvement, any technology becomes obsolete faster and faster. Any material means, which 5-10 years ago were the limit of dreams, are not satisfying… On nature about the acute pain of all living things Today all conditions have been created, when the old traditional and modern thinking collided as two absolutely opposite worldviews.
A couple of decades ago people retained a sense of the need to care for the environment and the traditional ways of managing the economy that had been tried and tested for centuries. Handicrafts that existed alongside new technologies are now on the verge of extinction everywhere. The natural equilibrium in nature is no longer possible with the same rate of development of progressive methods of activity. The search is not for a return to the old. The search for that very balance: between scientific advances, without excessive consumerism, and the accumulated age-old experience of humanity – the return of respect for it.
THAÏSSE proposes to change the Attitude towards any of our activities: not to dominate but to share with living beings.
And here at last is the long-awaited stage of consulting on technical solutions for the reorganization of the conduct of any activity.
Now we have transformed our reaction to the information we receive from the authorities. That is to reflect the signal in a different way: not with fear and hatred to the ecological message.
Once again, we will resume our dialogue. Each of us will offer our proposals based on our own experience and knowledge.
Together, by discussing different methods of production and agriculture, we will find schemes and strategies that will help us to become whole, to enjoy the process of creation.
THAÏSSE proposes moving away from competition and monopoly to solidarity and a sharing of results. After all, it is unrealistic now to say how many trillions in any currency are needed to restore the planet for us and for future generations.
Nature is generous and abundant – we should also remember that…
After looking closely at it and admiring it, we will create and carry it out.
To such a response, another program of action will be “sent” from the Universe in response.