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Permissible business

The word business is not a Russian word. In ancient texts, those who were engaged in establishing mutually beneficial relations between producers were called traders, and the producers themselves were called artisans and peasants.
An important component of the seller’s character was a sense of trust in him by those who bought his goods. The feeling of gratitude for the delivered good, which was absent in the area of the buyer’s reach, had an energetically beneficial effect both on the development of trade relations and on the well-being of the trader’s family. The merchant himself (in the more advanced cycle of civilization) was not the producer of his goods. He gave due credit to the goods of artisans and farmers who, engaged in their favorite labor, had no opportunity to take it outside their community . And in the community itself, it was not possible and not necessary to sell the surplus. So, the merchant’s gratitude was enormous.
Established at the very beginning of any human civilization, trade relations between hunter and tailor, between herdsman and farmer, between potter and miller, between beekeeper and carpenter – served as strong bricks bridging the paths between different communities and peoples. The connecting cement between the bricks was the rituals that brought people together; they were further developed as religions. Only in our article we will not disclose this topic at this time.
So, trade routes led not only through space, but also through Time. They led to the development of all mankind. Only these bridges are strong and balanced, when there is trust in the seller. If trade took as its leading link the feeling of making profit and deceit by selling low-quality goods, then at that time each civilization was approaching its decline… The balance was broken and the bridges were gradually destroyed: brick by brick, as a sacred ritual connecting different people in different religions could exist only on the natural love of one person for another. And love and deception are incompatible.
At the beginning of life’s journey, most people gain experience by “getting their own bumps”. Thus, a child feels great: able and knowledgeable, he enthusiastically compares himself with his friends, shows his parents how smart and physically strong he is. The same is true for an adult, who, when engaged in activity only after being trained, feels ready for a mature life.
Has there ever been a case where, as a child, someone never fell down while learning to run? Someone never tripped going up a flight of stairs? Someone was able to draw perfectly straight circles in their pencils?
And so an adult, no matter how mature he feels, has character traits that he must balance. Man came into this world to work on himself. Mistakes made by everyone are necessary. Only a dialogue with his inner self will help to solve them. Thus a man learns the lessons of the Universe.
And it is not so easy for a man to understand that he was mistaken until now, and that it is necessary to work on his mistakes which he still considers as a norm. That is why the Universe sends us tests, like an exam.
Only firm tests make us dig in the molten fossilized glass and see finally that the expected crystal vessel has not been smelted. Having studied, accepted and even loved the shards as the result of infant lessons, we can direct our Attention through them and consider more maturely, how do we want to create the World around us?
Life leads each of us through the lessons of the scriptures, showing us our naive spontaneity in meeting our main Mentor, the Universe! An exam-test that every traveler goes through to change from a child into a path of a seeker of truth, and at the beginning “inwardly wish, as a disciple, to meet his Mentor.
Having passed the test of maturity of perception, every little thing becomes a sign of the universe. Until this moment, we all have a tendency to ignore the miracles around us, expecting miracles. After awakening, everyone understands more about the Miracle: a new dawn is a divine miracle, each leaf that opens from a bud is a sacrament, which cannot have a logical explanation, each of our breath is a priceless gift of God. And already life is saturated with other meanings. And not just Life. Everyone thinks about the inevitability of Death – the consequent test that everyone has to pass. These thoughts a person can not and should not, probably, avoid …
What – what memories – do we take with us when crossing that threshold that is meant for everyone? At the threshold of the meeting with Death one remembers how, climbing high up, he saw a succession of travelers behind him, and suddenly with all his heart he wanted to do a good deed. He put a bench for them on the pass that they could rest and admire the landscape of the road traveled. There is no need to go on: everyone, immersed in such thoughts, understands the pricelessness without words.
After all, the destiny of every Man according to all the Sacred texts of all religions corresponds to: “To give and to preserve life. To accumulate any knowledge, both through inner self-knowledge, and through own experience. И.. To do good to others. ”
The original source should be sought in our feeling – hence the release of energy.
Let’s imagine a family where everyone is friendly and trusts each other; everything is done in a certain synchronicity, not by agreement, but by the flow of creating a welcoming atmosphere in a large common home. Is there a plan written down for each day to guide such a family? No. It is the sense of connectedness across the millions of bridges of interaction between each family member from the moment they join the family or from birth that is the foundation – the energy skeleton.
This skeleton is made up of hundreds or thousands of gratitude from one family member to another. Gratitude for the nail that the father hammered into the wall to hang his daughter’s first picture. Gratitude for the pies the grandson steals right from the frying pan under grandma’s nose. Gratitude for the stars in the night sky, which the whole family “suddenly” stared at on a beautiful evening on their way back from visiting …
In addition to gratitude on the one hand, “bridges” ties generous deeds on the other. Mother invents in her imagination and sews fabulous costumes for her children to be the most amazing, acting out skits at school theater or at a folklore festival. Uncle plays the accordion or guitar, gathering everyone in the evenings to listen to beautiful melodies. Sister reads fairy tales in the evenings to the younger members of the family, putting aside her fascinating adult book…
In business relationships, as in family relationships, a general atmosphere is created. This atmosphere of mutual trust, wishes of kindness and fulfillment of desires of relatives, love and interest in the activity of each, absence of tension… In this atmosphere, a flow is born, in which the interests of each are synchronously intertwined: a beautiful symphony in which each plays his instrument sounds purely; colorful lines of each activity, create common bright images, not obscuring the patterns of others, but rather trying to give them maturity in expression. It is very difficult to explain such synchronicity in words, but having felt it once, the Intention of infusing into this flow of true human mutually beneficial relations with Gratitude to the Most High in every quivering feeling will arise forever.
Here is the magic, the miracle, the fairy tale – these bridges of human interaction in the family!!! And we can transfer them to mutually beneficial economic activities.
We wish to all that we come to a state where our every word every deed – everything would be in a Pure and permissive state.