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The way to happiness, balance and harmony.

Everybody is familiar with basic universal laws: don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t gossip, tell lies, keep proper sexual behavior and some other. They are 10 totally. On the one hand it’s easy to understand, we all have heard of them since our childhood. On the other hand if you see how people follow them or don’t follow, we will be very disappointed: very few do it properly, consciously, awareing how they work. Actually, it’s work of cause and effect law. Geshe Michael Roach, an American Buddhist teacher (Lama) in his best selling book “Diamond cutter” or “Diamond wisdom” ( there were two publications) explained the work of those principles very clearly, obviously, in details, with examples from people’s and his own ‘s life. I did dairy records as Geshe Michael teaches for 2 years, daily. I did 6 record on moral principles every day. As as result, I was able to see very clearly how cause and effect law works in my life. Now I feel like sharing with you, and encourage you do this, reflect on each principle and implement in your life properly. In other words, treat everyone (anything) in a way, you would like to be treated. Get liberated from any limitations, that make you unhappy and be happy!