“When Man is attentive to the drama of modern science,
discovering its rational limits in pure mathematics;
when Man sees in physics the confrontation of two great doctrines,
one of which is the general theory of relativity,
the other is the quantum theory of indeterminism and indeterminism,
and both doctrines forever limit the accuracy of even physical measurements;
when Man hears the greatest scientific innovator of the last century
– the pioneer of modern cosmology,
– who reduced the most powerful intellectual
synthesis to equations, calling intuition to the aid of reason; proclaiming:
“imagination is the true soil for the sowing of science”; have we not reached the point
to recognize for the scientist the good of “artistic vision”:
is it justified to consider the instrument of poetry as legitimate as the instrument of logic?

St. John PERS.



The unification, the creation of mutually beneficial co-operation of the industries of shipping, shipbuilding and the industries serving them, will increase the rate of their modernisation, the prosperity of them collectively, and of each individually…

Long-term planning for the development of each sector will open up prospects for increased maritime transport and more efficient trade turnover. Sea tourism will increase. Reasonable pricing of innovations due to greater choice between offerings. All maritime industries are entering a new era of energy (MARPOL 2020).

Such major changes in both financial policy and energy require very thoughtful and calibrated strategies. THAÏSSE is responsible for analysing data; processing cross-sectoral information; making calculations based on a system of cross-sectoral indicators; classifying the results; and determining the development and success strategies for the sector by monitoring all interrelated related companies. For every strategy & futures project developed, the company that wants to emerge from difficulties and find the most profitable way to prosperity will be billed.

Strategy: Presenting the relationships between related sectors in the form of three-dimensional tables of financial flows and settling profits in each sector. Then, tables of new and obsolete equipment movements for the different activities, respectively. Then, staff with experience and new personnel….

Transition tables from outdated and damaging dogma to new norms and experiments inclusive…

Each transition table takes into account the priority of NOT HARMING ECOLOGY; it concerns the next 3 sectors: ‘who-knows-who’. Often the risks (our clients are mainly interested in financial risks) from one maritime industry spill over into related industries; and thus spread throughout the chain. A primitive form of such a scheme is the juxtaposition of “from-whom-to-who” facets, each reflecting industry assets horizontally and liabilities to neighbouring industries vertically. Transactions, revaluations and other changes in assets and liabilities with non-neighbouring industries are reflected in the sector of the remaining (more distant) and influencing industries.

A company with a good reputation and a responsible attitude towards its activities, respecting others and nature are potential clients of THAISSE.

Naturally, it will become more attainable the main goal: improving the aquatic ecosystem. Through closer cooperation with scientists, regular monitoring of changes in the eco-system will become available. Environmental awareness after years of using diesel fuel is a huge undertaking in which TAIS will be directly and actively involved. “Harmful elements of modern production and consumption systems are eliminated through the introduction of innovative ideas, while maintaining the ability to perform a beneficial impact on the environment.”

Innovators – they have many inventions and are determined to “re-invent the world” to harmonise with nature everywhere. On rearranging the world in general. They are visionaries at heart, seeking not an apocalypse for the Planet, but its rebirth and prosperity. They are “raring to go” with their ideas. They are excited to meet you at the exhibition and enthusiastically awaiting their chance – the realization of their ideas. Recognition for themselves! That is what THAÏSSE can provide them with in the first instance. After all, THAÏSSE’s role is to bring talented ideas to the masses.

Increasingly popular are ‘footprint projects‘, which are created by scientists and environmental scientists to visualise likely changes based on satellite motoring analysis. These incredible programmes have begun to develop at the speed of any technological advance, i.e. reactive. TAIS – as a link to the many users of the new energy tools – can help these long-term projects by providing information and transforming simulation coefficients. The accuracy of long-term predictions will increase manifold from our cooperation.

Scientists, more than anyone else, see that the ecosystem destabilised everywhere. And they see the world from their monitors and optimistically say year after year: “evolution for the better is possible”. How many creative young people there are who do not agree with the existing attitude of arbitrariness with Nature; who dream of changing the situation and are enthusiastic… To support them and develop with them a New Philosophy of Harmony with the Environment is the idea of THAISSE.

… Their personal goals and the goals of the whole team have already changed or are changing vector. They do not want new investments as a priority as before but they want their evolutionary projects to materialise, to bring about harmony between Man and Nature. THAÏS has the firm conviction that this is possible, linking into an active chain each of the links of the (disparate and competing with each other) maritime, shipbuilding and service industries.

Biochemical laboratories, manufacturers of nanotechnological materials, graphene, in particular, will be able to test their inventions. They will be able to track prototypes used in the new shipping industry. Their developments will begin to evolve at an increasing pace. Their production facilities will be upgraded to eco-products on a mass scale. Increased profits, of course.

IMPORTANTLY, and investment in new eco-products will increase markedly.

